Sunday, July 29, 2012

Unintentional Religious Ways

So as a Christian we always talk about wanting go grow more and more in Christ. To be more like Him and for any heart problems we have to be fixed. Well I have seen where I went wrong in attempting these things...which is I'M attempting them. Without realizing I was trying to fix these things, unintentionally being religious. I was trying to reach God. I realized if I want these changes and to be closer to my God, I've got to let Him do it. Everyday I would try to walk in the fruits of the Spirit,say I'm going to read my bible and pray. Before I knew it I was in my flesh being mad it someone, night arrived and I hadn't prayed or read that bible yet. I've been listening to sermons and the one right now that is bringing revelation to my life is Mark Driscoll's series of Ephesians. All I can say is wow. Things I have been praying for, such as to not be bitter and angry, have been decreasing by the power and grace of God. I'm seeing God through my whole day, realizing much of what I had been praying for was already answered. I would pray for God to help me serve people, be humble, accept humility, and little by little God would grab my attention and show me at that moment how I was doing these things. One day I cleaned the whole house by myself while my family sat in the living room the whole time. I didn't ask for help or even complain, I wanted the house to be clean so I did it. The Lord showed me that at that moment I was serving because I was cleaning for my family. I was being humbled because I wasn't seeking a thank you or recognition. I was walking in humility because what female wants to clean up a bathroom after all her brothers? Honestly, I was doing a job that I really shouldn't have been doing by myself because I wasn't even apart of the majority that made the mess. My mom works 8-10 hour shifts 5 days a week. Without asking or saying thank you my mother assumes I'm going to babysit my siblings the whole day. I literally am a second mom when I'm home from school. I cook, clean, give baths, keep the peace, discipline, etc. and it's only by the grace of God that I do such a thing even though a lot of times I never receive anything in return. God is changing my heart so much but some of these trials He is using to accomplish this goal aren't easy at all. By studying the book of Ephesians I'm learning who my God is. Without knowing God we will not grow, trials will knock us, satan will set the bait and we will take it every time. I'm seeing all the wonderful things God is doing on my behalf and for His glory so I'm going to share this journey with everyone as I study Ephesians. I pray this will encourage you, increase your faith in God, and that revelation of knowledge of God will be brought to your life. In Jesus's name. Amen.

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